Publikace členů centra
Škrabánková, J. (2012). Žijeme s nadáním. (1. vyd.). Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 101 s. ISBN 978-80-7464-137-4.
Škrabánková, J. (2012). Žijeme s nadáním. (1. vyd.). Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 101 s. ISBN 978-80-7464-137-4.
Škrabánková, J. (2014). Talent. Is It Really a Gift? (1. vyd.). Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 204 s. ISBN 978-80-7464-683-6.
Škrabánková, J. Covert Bullying in Education of Gifted Children at School.. In: Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske & Kristina Henry Collins. F.H.R. Piske & K.H. Collins, Identifying, Preventing, and Combating Bullying in Gifted Educationin. 1. vyd. United States: Age Publishing, 2022. s. 21-35. ISBN 978-1-64802-859-5.
Škrabánková, J. (2015). Practical Use of the Eye Camera in Pedagogical Research (Chosen Data Processing from the Children with Mathematical and Logical Intelligence Examination). Acta Technologica Dubnicae. Dubnica nad Váhom: DTI 5(3). ISSN 1338-3965.
Škrabánková, J. (2017). Nadání jako společenský fenomén: Z pohledu edukace nadaných. (1. vyd.). Praha: Curriculum, 135 s. ISBN 978-80-87894-13-2. Uloženo v e-databázi NKP.
Kočí, P. & Škrabánková, J. (2018). Aktivizační metody (ve fyzice) a nadaní žáci. (1. vyd.). Ostrava: Ostravská univerzita, 125 s. ISBN 978-80-7464-977-6. Vydáno jako e-book.
Sochor, T., Zuzčák, M. & Bujok, P. (2016). Analysis of attackers against windows emulating honeypots in various types of networks and regions. International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN: International Conference on Ubiquitous and Future Networks, ICUFN 2016 Wien, Austria. IEEE Computer Society, 863-868. ISBN 978-1-4673-9991-3.
Konečná, P. & Bujok, P. (2017). Analysis of efficiency of entrance examination based on permeation in the first year of study. 16th Conference of Applied Mathematics: Proceedings, 16th Conference of Applied Mathematics Aplimat 2016 2017-01-31 Bratislava. Bratislava: Spektrum STU Bratislava, 827-835. ISBN 978-80-227-4650-2.
Kukliczová, I., Zeleníková, R. & Bujok, P. (2017). Assessing subjective sleep quality in seniors. Central European Journal of Nursing and Midwifery, 8 (1), 559-564. ISSN 2336-3517.
Doleček, R., Pleva, L., Němečková Crkvenjaš, Z., Tvrdík, J., Švagera, Z., Bartoš, V., Bujok, P., Cichý, Z., Dvořáček, I., Cholevík, D., Koliba, P., Poláková, R., Pometlová, J., Šafarčík, K. & Závada, M. (2016). Endokrinologie traumatu. Praha: Maxdorf Jessenius. 215 s. ISBN 978-80-7345-484-5.
Popelka, S., & Brychtova, A. (2013). Eye-tracking Study on Different Perception of 2 D and 3 D Terrain Visualisation. Cartographic Journal, 50(3), 240-246. doi:10.1179/1743277413y.0000000058
Popelka, S., Stachon, Z., Sasinka, C., & Dolezalova, J. (2016). EyeTribe Tracker Data Accuracy Evaluation and Its Interconnection with Hypothesis Software for Cartographic Purposes. Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience. doi:10.1155/2016/9172506
Dolezalova, J., & Popelka, S. (2016). ScanGraph: A Novel Scanpath Comparison Method Using Visualisation of Graph Cliques. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 9(4). doi:10.16910/jemr.9.4.5
Opach, T., Popelka, S., Dolezalova, J., & Rød, J. K. (2017). Star and polyline glyphs in a grid plot and on a map display: which perform better? Cartography and Geographic Information Science, 1-20. doi:10.1080/15230406.2017.1364169
Ferdiánová, V., Hrabálková, K. & Poruba, J. (2015) The influence of interactive materials on students' study results. Mathematica V. (1. vyd.) Verbum, Scientific Issues, 7-13. ISBN 978-80-561-0296-1.
Konečná, P. & Ferdiánová, V. (2014). Didactic diagnostics of the educational process concerning basics of mathematics. 13th Conference of Applied Mathematics Proceedings. Bratislava. Bratislava: Spektrum STU Bratislava, 143-150. ISBN 978-80-227-4140-8.
Konečná, P. & Ferdiánová, V. (2016). The Choice's Preference of Mathematical Tasks of Secondary School's Students. 7th International Conference on Research in Didactics of the Sciences, Proceedings. Kraków. Kraków: Pedagogical University of Cracow, 72-74. ISBN 978-83-8084-037-9.
Václavíková, Z. (2015). Creative science - the way how to improve the knowledge and skills of children. Mathematica V. (1. vyd.) Verbum, Scientific Issues, 91-96. ISBN 978-80-561-0296-1.
Václavíková, Z. (2017). Gamification and Game-based learning - How to Implement Them Into Educaion. 16th Conference of Applied Mathematics: Proceedings, 16th Conference of Applied Mathematics Aplimat 2017. Bratislava. Bratislava: Spektrum STU Bratislava, 1592-1598. ISBN 978-80-227-4650-2.
Václavíková, Z. (2017). Interactivity - how to prepare study module. Entertainment-education in science education. Kraków: Pedagogical University of Cracow, 97-108. ISBN 978-83-8084-056-0.
Škrabánková, J., Laš, L. & Bujok, P. (2018). Visualisation and Interpretation of Student Strategies in Solving Natural Science-Based Tasks Using the Eye-Tracker. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 11(4):4.
Škrabánková, J. Tandemová výuka fyziky na gymnáziu. Československý časopis pro fyziku. 2020, 70/2020(3), s. 204-209. ISSN 0009-0700.
Škrabánková, J., Popelka, S. a Beitlová, M. STUDENTS' ABILITY TO WORK WITH GRAPHS IN PHYSICS STUDIES RELATED TO THREE TYPICAL STUDENT GROUPS. Journal of Baltic Science Education. 2020, 19(2), s. 298-316. ISSN 1648-3898.
Škrabánková, J. a Hanák, M. Neuromarketing: teorie a praxe. Journal of Global Science. 2020, JOGS 2020 (Volume 5, Special Isuue), s. 1-12. ISSN 2453-756X.
Škrabánková, J., Bočková, K. a Hanák, M. Theory and Practice of Neuromarketing: Analyzing Human Behavior in Relation to Markets. Emerging Science Journal. 2021, 5(1), s. 44-56. ISSN 2610-9182.
Škrabánková, J. Covert Bullying in Education of Gifted Children at School. In:Fernanda Hellen Ribeiro Piske & Kristina Henry Collins. F.H.R. Piske & K.H. Collins, Identifying, Preventing, and Combating Bullying in Gifted Educationin. 1. vyd. United States: Age Publishing, 2022. s. 21-35. ISBN 978-1-64802-859-5. (Zvaná kapitola v odborné knize).
Škrabánková, J. a Blumenstein, T. Teaching Strategies for Gifted Students - Challenge for the Future. Brazílie: Hogrefe publisher, Brazil, 2023. Kniha je hotová, aktuálně v tisku, ISBN doplním. (Zvaná kapitola v odborné knize, přeloženo vydavatelem do Portugalštiny pro dopad na větší cílovou skupinu čtenářů).
Rozhovory s Mgr. René Gavlasem
Zveřejněno / aktualizováno: 11. 02. 2025